Wednesday 25 April 2018

Mobile learning: keep improving

Hello again!

In this post I would like to tell you about mobile learning. In my opinion and specially when you are a teacher, you have to keep improving the necessary skills to do your best. Our training does not finish when we finish university or when we are civil servants. Times are constantly changing and we have to be prepared for them. However not always we have enough time to do it. Fortunately technology is here to help us. You will see how...

Last Tuesday I attended a webinar called Mobile Learning and Digital Competence for Education developed by my teacher María Jesús García San Martín where my classmates and I learnt about the huge variety of training courses for us (teachers) offered by The Ministry of Education thanks to the INTEF (Instituto Nacional de Tecnologías Educativas y Formación del Profesorado). 
The main point is to improve your skills by working at your own pace and whenever you want to. They provide you with a portfolio in which you can see your progress regarding the digital competence. There are different levels within this competence: A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 and C2. You will have a recommended itinerary  to follow based on your expectations. 

So, what online training courses can we find within AprendeINTEF?

  • Edupils: it is a mobile phone app devoted to self-learning. It allows you to increase your digital competence in short periods of time (from 3 to 7 minutes). Each pill is based on a descriptor of each competency levels and categorised according to the Areas of the Common Framework of Digital Competence. It allows you to work at your own pace and when you want or have time to do it. 
  • NOOC INTEF: They are nano courses of three hours each one which allow you to achieve 1 objective (competence) in this time making it clear through a digital portfolio. This platform is opened in a specific date but once your are inside, the materials will be there forever. You will have an online tutor who encourages you to do your best and you can share your experiences within different social networks. It is based on the motivation to learn instead of getting credits. 
  • MOOC INTEF: These courses are longer than the previous ones. They last around 4 or 5 weeks. They are based on an active methodology and peer learning and one more time the participants are connected to each other through the platform and social networks in order to share their experiences. 
  • SPOOC INTEF: this is related to learning experiences at your own pace. They are online and open courses and you can access whenever you want. You do not have a specific day to finish it, you can do it freely and when you are ready to do it. Here you do not have a tutor, but you can have all the help you need within a Facebook group where all its members are included. Once you achieve an objective, you win a digital badge. 
It is important to say that no one of these courses are thought to give you certificates or credits. They have been created just to learn from others and with others, for the pleasure of learning. 
And from my point of view this is something we usually forget when doing courses. We just do courses to get something, and we forget how restorative is to learn new things just because we like it or we want to. There are no excuses to do it, we have lots of possibilities adapted to the time we have available. Just do it!!

From my view as a teacher and what I liked when attending the webinar is to see how these courses give you the possibility to see your own progress and all the things your are achieving. It creates a sense of fulfilment when seeing all you are able to do. 
Apart from that, I think that there are several advantages when using these courses from INTEF:
First of all, the possibility to choose the kind of training you want. Depending on the time you have available you can choose the training that better fits your needs. 
Then, the chance to work at your own pace and rhythm, at home or at work, wherever you need it. 
And finally that you can take advantage of your work at school (projects, activities, etc) in order to show your achievements regarding this digital competence. 

That is all! I hope you join these courses because I am already thinking about it!

See you soon, 

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