Wednesday 25 April 2018

Channel 4 News (II)

Hi again guys!

As I promised you several days ago, here you have my Channel 4 News video! 

As I told you in my last entry related to it,(click here) it is a mini project in which my classmates and I wanted to introduce ICTs and more precisely videos in our classrooms. 

We decided to be the main characters of the introductory video in order to encourage our students to do the same. Not many times we see teachers participating in first person in their students´ projects or videos. So we made it possible!This time we are working with 6th graders. 

This project is going to be carried out in the Cultural week of the school. It will last 2 sessions: In the first one, the students will watch our flipped video and afterwards they will work on the computer room in 4 groups of 6 people each one. But... to work on what? Well as I told you before, at the end of each of our performances as journalists, we ask the students several questions related to the following areas:

- Natural Science (natural disasters)
- Social Science (the European Union and the Brexit)
- Literature and Arts and Crafts(Saint George)
- P.E (new sports)
- English (used during the whole project)

What students have to do is to watch our video and answer these questions in groups in order to make an oral presentation that they will have to present in front of the rest of the class by using digital tools as Genially, videos, etc. As you can see it has lots of cross curricular links to other areas and subjects which is the best way, in our opinion, to work on the English language: by using it as a vehicle of communication. We are going to use it in the Cultural week in order to review all we have done during the trimester.

What about our objectives with this mini project? Well, we want them to work cooperatively, to improve their four language skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing), to develop their digital competence and of course to learn other subjects through a foreign language. So as you can see, its usefulness within the classroom is totally clear.

Regarding the creation process, I have to say that it was really really funny. Working with my classmates as if we were kids in the classroom was a great experience, not to mention the huge number of outtakes we did until the final one! It was amazing. Not only recording the video but also agreeing with them regarding how we want to change education as teachers by using ICTs.

In order to edit the video my classmates used imovie. The background s that appear behind us are from Pixabay and the sounds from Garageband.

Here you have our final video including the questions for the students, I hope you really like it, we love it!!

See you soon! Bye bye

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