Friday 20 April 2018

Channel 4 News (I)

Hey! What´s new?

Today I´m going to tell you about a project that my colleagues at University and I started last week. We were asking ourselves how many times we ask the students to record a video for our classes. As I have said since I started to write this blog,  new technologies are essential nowadays within education. I have to confess that at the beginning I hated them, but day to day I´m learning new and easy things to use in my classroom. 

So, as I was telling you, my classmates and I were thinking about how we can introduce videos in the classroom in order to involve the students in the creation of one of them. It is obvious that asking for a video recording is going to be very motivating for them. But suddenly we realised that by introducing the videos on our own, they students will be even more motivated since they will be able to see their teachers in action. 
So, let´s get on with it!

We decided to create a programme in which each of us will be a reporter telling the students different news related to different areas within education (natural science, arts, etc.). 

Which was our main objective? To make the students think and to use the English language as a tool to work on other different areas. And of course, to work on our students´ cooperative work since they have to plan their work very well by establishing different roles: drafter, recorder, community manager, editor... 

At the end of each one of our performances, we ask the students several questions on which they have to work. To answer them, they will have to create an oral presentation with digital tools like Genially, handmade lap books, videos... They will choose the best way to present their topics!

In order to work with my colleagues, we have shared a document within Google Drive to work all of us at the same time. 

That is all for now. In next chapter I will let you watch our Channel 4 News video and I will tell you more about it!

See you soon!!

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