Sunday 4 March 2018

The travel of a drop

Hi there!
Today I am going to share with you a presentation of the water cycle. I have used this one with my little ones in the classroom and they really enjoyed!

The tool that I have used to create it is Genially. It is a website in which you can create online presentations. For me was surprising the great amount of designs you can find, some of them quite realistic, just look at my presentation! The water is moving like in a swimming pool!

The first thing you have to do, as always, is to create your own account, but luckily is totally free. Once you have registered, you can start by selecting the background you want to use. It is difficult to decide which one to use because there are lots of options and all of them are really good. In my case I have chosen this with the water because it is related with my topic. 

The next step is to start having fun! You design your own slides by selecting the letter font, colours, the images you want to insert... Moreover, they give you the possibility to use their bank of resources which includes different shapes, lines, buttons, images, gifts, maps...

Another thing I really liked were the animations and the opportunity to link your slides with social networks by adding their emblems (google, facebook, youtube...). I have also added a video where you can see me explaining the water cycle using it. 

In short, 
Genially is the perfect place if you want to sweep aside the boring and typical presentations. Reinvent yourself or die!

See you later alligator!!


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