Wednesday 7 February 2018

Woof woof!!!

Hello everybody!

Today I am going to introduce you my best friend, Floki

He´s a golden retriever and he´s 5 years old. His main occupation is to guard everything that happens in the blog.  He is always running around here! He loves running after the ball, biting my trainers and burying socks in the garden. If you click here, you can listen to what he has to tell you!

I have created it with an app called Voki. In this webpage you can find lots of different designs. First of all you have to create your avatar. You can choose from many different profiles (famous people, animals, monsters… etc.) Then, you can give it voice! There are different ways of doing it. For example by adding an audio file from your computer or just by writing what you want it to say. I have used this last option.

The web is very good and the avatars look real. However the main problem I have found is that if you want to use the avatar embed code to put it on your blog, you have to pay. In the free version of the app it is not available 😓😓. It is maybe an important reason to take into account. 

Of course there are lots of apps to create avatars. Before using voki I have tried with bitmoji, digibody and build your wild self

This last one is amazing! You can create an avatar with different parts of animals and it is really funny. However, avatars in these pages cannot speak so that is the reason why I finally chose voki.

You might be thinking… Why using avatars? Well, we can use them if we have a web page at school, or if we have a class forum or an online platform in which the pupils can keep in touch with each other.

But from a teacher point of view, I think that the most important thing is to show the students that when surfing the net they do not have to be themselves, they have the opportunity to be whoever they want to be: their favourite superhero, a famous singer, an alien from other planet! By doing this we are teaching them the importance of taking care of our own identity in a place where everybody can see us. 

As I am working with the little ones of the school, I think that they will like this! It is true that with young students we will have to guide them in the creation of the avatar, but it will be worth the effort when they see all the options they have, they will be very motivated. Not to mention the oldest students, they are good at new technologies and even they are better than we the teachers! Let them know the great variety of characters they can be.

That´s all for today!

Write you soon and remember, Floki is waiting for you!!!

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