Tuesday 13 February 2018

Walking through the savannah... what can you see?

Hello everybody! What's new?

Today in my CLIL lesson, my pupils (first graders)and I have gone to the savannah! We are starting a topic related to animals and, can you imagine a better place than Africa to see them? 
To start the class, I have shown them the following photo:

I have used this picture in order to introduce our topic. I have asked my students to be explorers and to tell me what kind of animals they can see. One of the main objectives of the topic is for them to distinguish among different kinds of animals according to their diet, that is: carnivorous, herbivorous and omnivorous. So with this picture I am going to grasp prior knowledge and to check what they already know about animals. 

Another important fact that I am going to introduce is the knowledge about different habitats around the world starting in this case with the savannah and grasslands. 

Photos are a great tool to introduce topics to our students and to make them think. However, when searching for photos on the internet, we have to bear in mind one thing: not all we find on the net is valid.

We have to be sure that the photos we are using can be used because they are free for us to use them, which means that every time we use photos we have to check if they have a license to be used. 

As you can see, under my photo you can find the author (MarĂ­amichelle) and the license (CCO Creative Commons). This photo does not have a title, but if there would be a title, it would be before the author´s name. 

There a lot of webs we can use to find photos with license ready to be used. In this case, I have used Pixabay . You just write what you are looking for and in just a second you will find lots of images ready to use!

See you soon! 

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